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Glossary of Internet & Computer Terms

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(Cyan, M

a slang term used for give-away CDs such as those one might receive in the mail as promotional offerings.

coaxial cable
a cable consisting of a single wire in the center surrounded by insulation and grounded with a braided conductive shield. The shield is designed to prevent the cable from receiving or emitting electrical noise. Coaxial cable is used for cable television and the networking of computers.

(Common Business Oriented Language) first developed in the 1950s by the US Department of Defense and several early computer manufactures, COBOL is a somewhat wordy computer language used for business data processing. It remains the most widely used programming language today.

a method of encrypting data using a wide variety of programming languages, making it readable by a computer.

(enCOder/DECoder or COmpressor/DECompressor) Software or hardware that compresses and decompresses audio and video data streams. The purpose of a this type of codec is to reduce the size of digital audio samples and video frames in order to speed up transmission and save storage space.

cold fusion
a tool developed by Allaire Corporation that integrates browser, server, and database technologies for rapid application development and Website design.

to arrange printed pages in a particular order.

color printer
a printer connected to a computer that is capable of printing in more than one color. Most printers use the CMYK standard. These colors applied on top of one another blend to simulate most natural colors. see CMYK, laser printer, printer.

color separation
a camera-ready photograph or graphic in which the individual base colors are isolated usually into four distinct prints. When combined during the printing process, the combination of prints displays the original color image.

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