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Glossary of Internet & Computer Terms

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the path a user takes while navigating through cyberspace, or more specifically, through a Website. Software is available to track this activity. Following a user from Website to Website is valuable information to online advertisers as a measurement of advertising effectiveness.

a computer that receives services from another computer. For example, the computer running the Web browser you use when accessing the World Wide Web is the client of the Web server delivering the Web documents.

clip art
artwork available on floppy disk and CD-ROM as well as on the World WideWeb in several file formats to use without the need to pay royalty fees. The creator is paid for the work by either producing and distributing it himself, or receives payment at the time a deal is struck with a publisher. The publisher then goes on to charge end users a licensing fee. A wide selection of clip art is available on numerous Websites free of charge.

a useful tool that acts as a temporary storage space holding information (both text and graphics) you’ve cut or copied until you are ready to paste it to it’s final destination. In Windows the images or text vanish when the computer is turned off. Macintosh has both a Clipboard that operates in the same way, and a Scrapbook that holds more than one image at a time, and saves held material from one work session to another.

the component within a computer that keeps track of the date and time. see BIOS.

clock rate
(clock speed) the speed that a computer’s microprocessor is able to process information, usually measured in MHz. see microprocessor, CPU.

a computer or software program that functions exactly like another. A clone is often a less expensive imitation of the original. The term became popular after IBM set the standard for personal computers and rival manufacturers imitated the IBM PC.

in Windows, to save your work and exit a program.

a grouping of sectors on a disk that function as a single unit.

(Constant Linear Velocity) in older disk drivers, the changing of the rotation speed in relation to where the data is stored. Because less information is located close to the center of the disc, it needs to turn faster to access the data. CAV (Constant Angular Velocity) is rapidly replacing this technology. see CAV.

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