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short for World Wide Web. see World Wide Web.

wait state
the time that passes while a microprocessor reads data from memory. A wait state usually occurs when the processor speed is faster than the memory capacity and speed.

a picture or pattern displayed on a computer display monitor. Wallpaper is usually shown while the computer is inactive. Operating systems such as Windows and Macintosh offer choices in wallpaper. They are also widely available for free on the Internet. To change wallpaper in Windows, Click Start, Settings, Control Panel. Then choose Display. Here you’ll find various wallpaper themes offered by Windows. To set one as yours, select the desired pattern and click OK. To use wallpaper from the Internet, right click on any image and select the “set as wallpaper” option by left clicking the mouse.

see Wide Area Network.

1. (Wireless Access Point) see access point.
2. (Wireless Application Protocol) a standard for providing cellular phones, pagers and other handheld devices with secure access to e-mail and text-based Web pages. Introduced in 1997 by (later Openwave Systems), Ericsson, Motorola and Nokia, WAP provides a complete environment for wireless applications that includes a wireless counterpart of TCP/IP and a framework for telephony integration such as call control and phone book access.

war driving
driving around an area with a laptop computer and an 802.11 wireless LAN adapter in order to find unsecured wireless LANs. When the laptop's wireless adapter (NIC) is set to promiscuous mode, it will receive any packets within its range. The goal is to find vulnerable sites either to obtain free Internet service or to potentially gain illegal access to the organization's data.

pirated commercial software made available to the public on the Internet or through personal contact. see piracy, software piracy.

watch icon
in Macintosh, the cursor changes to a wristwatch while the program is processing, indicating that the user must wait for the function to complete. The watch icon is the equivalent of the hourglass in Windows.

the format for storing digital audio files developed as a joint venture by IBM and Microsoft. A WAV player was first introduced to the public in Windows 95. The file extension or suffix for a WAV file is .WAV.

short for World Wide Web.

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