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Glossary of Internet & Computer Terms

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a method of increasing computer speed by configuring a system to utilize general-purpose ROM during the boot process rather than the slower BIOS ROM. To do this, BIOS ROM is copied into RAM when the computer is booted.

computer software available for downloading without charge on the World Wide Web. Based on the honor system, the user is expected to pay a registration fee to the author if he decides to keep the software. If unwilling to pay the fee, he is supposed to delete the program. With registration, a user receives program updates and support. Shareware differs from public domain software in that it is copyrighted. Often at the start or end of a session, a reminder pops onto the screen prompting the user that he has not yet registered. Because of this reminder, shareware is sometimes jokingly called nagware.

also called user interface or command shell, the part of an operating system that processes user commands and allows them to be executed.

shift click
to hold the shift key down while left clicking the mouse. In some applications this allows a user to select more than one item.

Shift key
a computer keyboard key that when pressed at the same time as another key (much like the typewriter Shift key), changes the function of the other key.

a product of Macromedia Inc, Shockwave is a popular Web browser plug-in that provides online audio, video, and animation. It lets the user view interactive Web content such as games, business presentations, entertainment, and advertisements from both Windows and Macintosh platforms.

in Windows, the ability to execute a program or open a file by clicking on an icon, usually located on the desktop. A user can easily create a shortcut to a program by first clicking on My Computer, selecting the desired icon and right clicking. Then, with the left mouse button pressed, he drags the icon to the desktop. From then on the user needs only to double click this icon to open the program.

shortcut key
some keys allow a user to execute certain functions easily. For example, pressing Control and the “P” character, brings up the “Print” dialog box while Control and “S” saves your work.

to post a message in any online forum with the Caps lock key on. Using all caps is considered bad netiquette.

shut down
to properly turn off a computer. In the Windows operating system, select Start either by left clicking on the icon or pressing the “Windows” key, select Shut down, and press Enter or left click the mouse.

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