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Glossary of Internet & Computer Terms

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to permanently remove or delete unneeded data from a computer.

receiving information over a network without necessarily having asked for it. Most Internet users actively call for Web pages from servers. In doing this they are utilizing pull technology. The opposite is push technology whereby a user receives information randomly. An example of push technology is email.

pyramid scheme
(Ponzi scheme) a method of making money that requires new participants to invest in order for previous investors to be paid. The problem with this plan is that it continuously requires new investors. The Ponzi scheme can be thought of as an expensive game of Old Maid. Unfortunately, pyramid schemes eventually collapse because it becomes increasingly difficult to attract new players. Chain letters, asking people to send money to others listed in the letter, and then crossing off the last recipient’s name and replacing it with yours, are a form of pyramid scheme. The pyramid scheme is mentioned in this book because the Internet is alive with such offers. As with anything else, a user would be wise to know the company or individual he is dealing with before sending money.

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