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a hardware output device used to produce a hard copy of a text or image oriented document. Printers are available in color or black and white. Printer resolution has improved greatly over the years as costs have continued to fall. Among the printer types available are the daisy wheel, where the actual printing mechanism is similar to the IBM Selectric typewriter with its ball and wheel paper striking device; the dot matrix; the ink jet; the laser printer, designed for high resolution, the high-speed line printer that produces low quality output; the LCD and LED, both high resolution devices and the thermal printer such as might be found with older copy or fax machines. Some printers, such as the line and daisy wheel, are capable of producing text-only documents. Hewlett Packard, Cannon, and Epson are among the many companies manufacturing low-cost, high-speed quality printers capable of many functions.

printer driver
the software program that tells a printer what to do. Modern operating systems include printer drivers that the user must select when installing a printer. However, printers come equipped with their own drivers that also must be installed when setting up the device. Installing a driver is simple, as the user simply needs to insert the program disk and follow a few simple prompts displayed on the screen at the time of installation. The printer is then configured to work with that particular computer. It is best to use the driver that comes with a printer when it is available.

printer engine
the fundamental component of the printer that does the actual printing. The engine determines the resolution quality of the printed product as well as the speed of the printer.

also referred to as hard copy, printed computer output.

an individual component of a software program that performs a particular function.

the execution of a computer function or functions.

short for microprocessor. see CPU, microprocessor.

a popular online Internet service provider offering users Internet access, news, travel, email, business, sports, online chat and many other services.

a software application designed to perform a specific task. A program is a compilation of commands and instructions written in programming language, designed to allow an operator to use a computer in a particular way. Microsoft Internet Explorer, Adobe PhotoShop, and Corel WordPerfect are among the thousands of programs available to allow people to get the most from their computers.

a person who creates programs.

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