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Glossary of Internet & Computer Terms

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(boldface) a font that is darker than the normal. Contemporary word processors allow a user to change a font to boldface with the click of a button.

a tremendous failure with regard to a computer project of any type or a software application.

a feature on a Web browser that allows the user to store one or more favorite Websites or URLs, save them in a folder, and have them readily accessible by a couple of simple mouse clicks. Bookmarks are also referred to as Favorites.

(boolean logic) a system of locating and retrieving computer data by the use of certain words such as AND, OR, XOR and NOT.

to start a computer. Derived from the word bootstrap.

boot disk
software used to start a computer.

slang expression for robot, a program that runs automatically. Among the uses for bots are to locate information on the World Wide Web and for the automatic collection of email addresses.

1. the return of undeliverable email to the sender.
2. to transfer incoming email without identifying who forwarded it.

bounding box
(box) an invisible enclosure surrounding a graphic that allows the user to manipulate the image with handles represented by small black squares. It also determines the true size of the image.

when written with a capital B, Bytes per second.

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