Computer Service NETwork, Inc.
Computer Service NETwork, Inc.

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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Information available on the Site

The information contained on this website (the Site) is provided by Computer Service NETwork, Inc. (CSN) and is subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement. By continuing to use the Site, you are indicating you agree to these terms. If you do not agree to these terms, discontinue use of the Site immediately.

CSN and its partners will make reasonable effort to provide information that is complete, timely, and accurate. However, they are not liable for inaccuracies and you agree that errors shall not be the basis for claims against CSN or any information provider. The Site may include information that is considered opinion or perspective. Not all content is to be taken as truth. You agree not to reproduce, transmit, distribute, sell, publish, broadcast or commercially exploit the content of the Site in any manner without the consent of CSN. CSN may terminate this license at any time if you breach the terms of this agreement.

The content of the Site is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty of any kind, including without limitation any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. In no event shall CSN be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages (including, without limitation, loss of profit, business interruption, or loss of information) arising out of or relating to this agreement or resulting from the use or inability to use the Site, even if CSN has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Products & Services available on the Site

This is license agreement between YOU and Computer Service NETwork, Inc. The terms of the agreement become binding when you purchase, download, use or install any of our software, services or related products. CSN is not liable for any alleged or actual damages arising from the use of this software or any of the accompanying software. You may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, or otherwise modify the product(s). You may not create similar works based upon our products. CSN may immediately terminate your licensing, account and subscription service if you are found distributing, reproducing unauthorized copies of your purchased product(s) to any and all parties other then yourself or the identity in which the product(s) was originally purchased for.
All content is copyright © 2021 Computer Service NETwork, Inc. and available for use under our end-user license agreement. All content may not be reproduced in whole or in part, in any way without express written permission of the CSN.

Payment must be made in full before order will be shipped. Payment options are Mail-in and PayPal:

- Mail-in:
If paying by check, allow time for check to clear before order is shipped. If paid by money order or cashier's check, order will ship immediately upon receipt.

- PayPal:
PayPal is our primary online transaction utility to insure your security. If you do not have a
PayPal account, you can enter your credit card information during the checkout process to complete the payment. PayPal lets any business or consumer with an email address to securely, conveniently, and cost-effectively send and receive payments online.

Due to copyright issues with electronic goods (i.e. software, music, images, etc.) these items are sold with a strict no returns policy. CSN will strive to resolve any software related issues through our support procedures but we cannot provide refunds for electronic media.

Use of services

Any material, information or other communication you transmit or post to the Site will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary ("Communications"). CSN will have no obligations with respect to the Communications. CSN and its designees will be free to copy, disclose, distribute, incorporate and otherwise use the Communications and all data, images, sounds, text, and other things embodied therein for any and all commercial or non-commercial purposes. You are prohibited from posting or transmitting to or from the Site any unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, or other material that would violate any state, federal, or international law.

Do not send time-sensitive or action-oriented Communications to the Site. Delivery, and timely delivery, of such Communications is not guaranteed. Please call us instead.

CSN may, but is not obligated to, monitor or review any areas on the Site where users transmit or post Communications or communicate solely with each other, including but not limited to chat rooms, bulletin boards or other user forums, and the content of any such Communications. CSN, however, will have no liability related to the content of any such Communications, whether or not arising under the laws of copyright, libel, privacy, obscenity, or otherwise.

Links to third party sites

Web sites linked to by CSN are not under the control of CSN and CSN is not responsible for the content of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site. CSN reserves the right to terminate any link or linking program at any time. CSN does not endorse companies or products to which it links and reserves the right to note as such on its web pages. If you decide to access any of the third party sites linked to the Site, you do this entirely at your own risk.


All product and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

Privacy Policy

Computer Service NETwork, Inc. (CSN) is dedicated to making your online experience as interesting and enjoyable as possible. We truly appreciate your presence on our site and at all times understand that you are our guest and should be treated accordingly. To ensure this, we have listed the components of our Privacy Policy below.

Use of personal information

Any information you submit through the Site will be held in the strictest confidence. In no way will your personal information ever be used without your consent. To ensure this, all forms on our web sites that send information to a database that may be used in the future, e.g. mailing lists, registration, etc., have check boxes where you specify whether or not you would like to receive information from us in the future. Forms used just to send email, post messages, etc., do not include the option, but will never be used to send information. Be assured that we do not sell our name and address lists. If you choose to receive information from us, each message will also include instructions on how to "unsubscribe" from future mailings should you wish to cancel.

The only information we automatically collect is that related to the use of our web site. This information is anonymous and is gathered through our servers' log files. These log files record generic information, such as the number of visits our web site receives, the types of browsers used and the number of files downloaded, but never personal information. This log file information allows us to create better content aimed at our viewer's preferences.

To try and bring you offers that are of interest to you, we have relationships with other companies that we allow to place ads on the Site. As a result of your visit to the Site, ad server companies may collect information such as your domain type, your IP address and clickstream information. Since we do not control those sites, we encourage you to review the privacy policies posted by these third-party providers.

Contact us

CSN knows that your privacy is very important to you. We welcome questions and comments regarding this policy, so feel free to contact us. Because technologies on the Internet change so quickly, CSN reserves the right to modify its Privacy Statement from time to time.

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A few words from Tech Support:

"When tech support sends you an email with high importance, delete it at once. We're just testing the public groups."

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